Thursday, December 20, 2012

Pythagorean Theorem - Free Online Game Challenge

This free online game provides a gaming way to test your knowlege of how to use the Pythagorean Theorem. Try it!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Texting and Driving PSA Commercial YouTube

Public Service Announcement (PSA)
A Disturbing and Visually Graphic Video Showing the Results of Texting and Driving.

Viewer discretion advised.

Monday, December 17, 2012

INTEL: The Story Inside the Computer.

How Does A Computer Work? 
INTEL The Story Inside the Computer.
Intel is one of the leading computer chip makers in the world. The education divsion put together a good step-by-step set of lessons showing how computers are designed and built.

I like the interactive approach offered by this website. It provides a high school appropriate approach to understanding computers, but is also interesting to anyone of anyage that wants to learn more.

Check it out! I think it is an excellent learning resource!!


P. Hanna

Thursday, December 13, 2012

What is a Prime Number? Want a Prime calculator?...

Prime Number Calculator Helps Find Primes!

If you are confused about prime numbers, then check out Prime Number Chart and Calculator from MathisFun.

Here, you can see a list of many prime numbers. In addition, you can enter a number into the calculator to see if it is a prime number.

Prime numbers are the key to computer password encryption and security.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Test Your Times Table Knowledge...

Test Your Multiplication Abilities!

Math is Fun provides a simple times table test.


Try it. And pass it on.

My observation is that the lack of basic multiplication skills causes students a lot of grief in high school. The sooner you learn your times tables, the better your math class experience will be in high school!

Good luck and enjoy.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

TED Video: Why Do We Solve for "X"?...

Why Do We Solve for X? Does Anyone Know?
Answer: Yes. Watch and Learn...
TED: We Do We Solve for X? (A video explanation.)

TED Talks are well known and information discussion platforms providing insights into many topics.

Here, we find out why we use the letter x.

Hint: A long time ago...

Now we know, why we solve for x!
Pass it on.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Learn How to Create a Graph with KidZone...

Create a Graph.

Learn simple graphing tools with KidZone Create a Graph. XY Scatter Plot, Bar Graphs, Circle Graphs and more are available at this website.


The big idea here is to become familiar with the words and concepts surrounding graphs. See the connection between data values.

It works for me. Hope it works for you, too!

Mr. P. Hanna

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Learn Basic Fractions at ...

Get Free Fraction Lessons


What is a fraction? How do we add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions? If you need some help in learning or reviewing these concepts, then this website may help you!

My observation is that many people suffer from fraction anxiety because they do not want to be wrong when working with fractions so they avoid thme altogether. Such a strategy rarely helps a person learn fractions. So, instead of avoiding fractions, why not invest some time and see if you can learn these skills.

It may really help you!

Enjoy. PH

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

X and Y Intercepts via YouTube: MathExpressions...

What are X and Y Intercepts?
Find out by watching this Youtube video from

(Dececember 5, 2012)

P. Hanna

Grades 9-12 YouTube Vid re: SLOPE FORMULA

YouTube Video Lesson: SLOPE FORMULA
The Problem: Not understanding the slope of a line formula.

The Solution: Watch and learn the SLOPE FORMULA lesson provided by
If you like Youtube, this may be a great way of study the concept on slope.

Keep learning!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Where to Get Free Graphing Grids and Number Lines!

Free Graph Paper Grids and Number Lines!

The Problem: You need to do some homework or an assignment that requires graph paper but the stores are closed. What can you do?

The Solution: Print your own graph paper, grids, or number lines!

The Link:

I found the number lines and grids easy to print and look fine.

So if you need graph paper or number lines, check out Resources/GraphPaper.htm



Monday, December 3, 2012

Where to Find Video Examples of High School Math!

Where Can A Student/Parent/Guardian Find Video Examples of High School Math Topics?


The Problem:  A frustrated student, parent, is studying but does not understand the solution. Written words alone do not seem to be helping.

The Options: 1. Give up; 2. Try another approach.

A Possible Solution:  try  another approach. Watch an online video on the topic from . My initial observation is that many classic math problems are organized and explained very well. Beginner numeracy, linear relations, graphing skills, qaudratics, exponential functions, and calculus examples are explained. Study the examples given very closely and you too might learn more math!

Check it out! The link is

And never give up!

Bye for now. PH.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Where to Find the Official NORAD Santa Tracker!

Official NORAD Santa Tracker


Starting December 1st, this link should take you to the official NORAD Tracks Santa site.

Do you believe?

P. Hanna