Hanna's Math Tips For Grade 9/10 Students.
1st. Register for Free Math Online Chat Help for grade 9 and 10 students. approx 5:30-9pm Mon-Thurs.
Register using your Ontario Education Number (OEN) shown on any report card.
Register at
2. Find and bookmark
http://www.khanacademy.org/math/algebra/quadtratics It has complete video lessons. Grab your questions, some pencils and paper, a calculator, and headphones. Give yourself 30-60 minutes to learn. Then watch, rewind, pause, and watch again. All high school math topics are covered here. Wow!
3. Make a Math "Vocabulary" List for new words, expressions, and formulas. Eg. What does FACTOR mean? What are the ZEROES of a quadratic equation?
4. Explore
www.algebrahelp.com shows algebra tips and strategies for SOLVING EQUATIONS.
5. Write down any questions you have at night. Give the list to your teacher at the beginning of next class. Respectfully, ask to be shown how these (or similar) questions are done properly. Keep it to 1 or 2 key questions.
6. To boost confidence, follow this plan:
- Day 1 - Ask to sit in the front row to see better.
- Also on Day 1, ask at least 1 question during class;
- Ask at least 1 questions again for Days 2, 3, 4, and 5. Realize that nothing bad happens by asking a question.
- Then, from Day 6 and every day thereafter keep asking at least 1 question during class. It can be any question at all! This confidence building activity only works if the plan is followed. (Try writing down the questions the night before it that helps). Use a checklist to track your effort and results.
Finally, I am convinced that all students can learn math. But it takes time and effort.
Good luck. And never give up!