Friday, November 30, 2012

How to Find the Equation of a Line with KHAN ACADEMY...

Linear Equations 1-2-3 with KHAN ACADEMY.

Sometimes people miss a lesson in class due to illness or sports and start falling behind. One way to prevent falling behind is to watch, and learn from, the amazing collection of videos offered free online by KHAN ACADEMY.

I have viewed many of these video lessons and found them to be accurate.

So why bother learning this?

Well, in short, it helps your mark; it helps your understanding of the world; it helps support your brain knowledge; and once you have learned it you may find it is not difficult at all.

People wanting to go to university to be doctors, lawyers, engineers, or scientists all need to know this material. So, set aside some time, watch, and learn!

Get the point?


P. Hanna

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